TBS6981 DVB-S2 Dual Tuner PCIe Card

1. TBS6981 Windows 8 Driver V2.0.1.7 is released.

2. TBS6981 Windows Driver is updated to V2.0.1.7, which is supporting Unicable.

TBS Linux Driver v170330
TBS Linux Driver is upgrated to v170330.
md5: 5b703b519b0e6a167b8bfb9627afda35
TBS IP Tool v3.0.5.8
md5: 2548ae6b92cd8e2e37b7ff8726a8f314
Windows Driver for Windows xp/visat/7
TBS6981 Windows Driver V2.0.1.7.
md5: 84b5d3b01f75cbae111636c28e7b50a2
Windows Driver specially for Windows 8
TBS6981 Windows 8 Driver V2.0.1.7.
md5: 6b6e9d06db9cdff6f88b792c9283385c